



Monitoring the shoreline position evolution with the experimental apps Rivages

Participate in monitoring the shoreline position evolution with the experimental apps Rivages.On the beach , you just have to walk on the boundary between land and sea, called shoreline. Rivages makes a GPS track of this limit by using the GPS of your mobile phone. This shoreline track is sent, processed, and posted on the website Geolittoral (http://www.geolittoral.developpement-durable.gouv.fr/suivi-du-trait-de-cote-par-smartphone-r489.html).By making this, you help to monitor the long term evolution of this important boundary between land and sea, to see how the coastal erosion evolves.This app initially tested for micro-tide coasts (Mediterranean, Caribbean Sea ...) was adapted in 2017 for most types of coast. You have a choice between some type of shoreline defined in the protocolUsing Rivages, the user accepts the experimental and participatory approach proposed by the Cerema.The Cerema will use the shoreline positions records, quality criteria, the type of your device and your photos.The e-mail addresses received are automatically encrypted and become unusable except to count the number of users.Your GPS tracks are updated each tuesday on this link http://cerema.maps.arcgis.com/apps/MapJournal/index.html?appid=df03cdf20529483a9bc2f4d2161df865.French precisions are also available on this link: http://www.cerema.fr/une-application-gratuite-pour-participer-a-la-a1513.html.Added Runtime permissions & few other minor improvements